
Welcome to Jinko Mage

Experience Online Fashion with our AI tool


Jinko Mage, where innovation and human connection unite to reshape the landscape of online clothing and fashion. Our mission is to tackle the pervasive issue of returns in the e-commerce fashion industry while transforming a task-oriented shopping experience into one of full engagement. We aim to achieve this through cutting-edge AI technology that redefines the narrative of online shopping, placing users at the centre of an engaging, custom-built experience.

Our Comprehensive Service Portfolio

How are we doing it?

With the help of AI, users will be able to create profiles tailored to their needs. They will be able to scan their bodies and create avatars that mirror their physiques along with their custom style preferences. With this feature, users will be able to try on clothes virtually, receiving real-time feedback. Additionally, based on their personalization, they will experience a variety of custom options such as a digital wardrobe, full outfit try-on, fashion styling, background changes, and more. Inspired by gaming and social media, we offer a fun and engaging shopping experience, including options for sharing users' virtual outfits on social media and collecting point-based rewards. This interactive approach will make shopping more enjoyable and foster a deeper connection with brands.

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